Smart storage for smart students

Our innovative and future-proof smart locker system for schools and universities is designed to be easy to use for both students and facility managers. It means you can reduce time spent on management, increase staff productivity and decrease administrative costs – while at the same time improving the student experience.

Our smart lockers for schools automate and optimize your storage capacity.

90% less facilities management time

Enhanced, streamlined student experience

Remote, automated locker management

No hassles with keys or batteries

A better student experience

With smart lockers, storing personal belongings becomes easy and hassle-free – with simple access via student IDs or smartphones. So, no more forgetting keys, codes or which locker is assigned. Students can even charge their phones and tablets in their lockers via USB.

Vecos Smart Locker mobile app

Remote management saves time

Our smart locker system means facilities managers and campus administrators can save up to 90% of their time. No more manually assigning lockers, frequent reallocations, laborious log-keeping or dealing with forgotten keys and codes. Locker assignment and management is totally automated, and staff can view locker usage in real-time and collect data on student behavior to further optimize school storage.

Multiple locker modes and easy configuration

When it comes to smart storage, one size doesn’t fit all. Our school lockers are developed to suit any sort of environment and usage preferences – and everything is configurable to your needs. Provide a locker for a term or a whole year. Assign a fixed locker. Or let the student choose themselves. It’s all completely configurable.

Seamless integration

Our locker system integrates with existing systems like your school’s active directory, CMS, student registration or student tracking systems, payment platforms and more. We use APIs, so applications can seamlessly connect and communicate in a way that’s safe and secure.

Safe surfaces and easy cleaning

Our school lockers can be configured in a way that once a student or faculty uses it, it’s then blocked and put into cleaning mode. An automatic notification is sent to the facility manager, and once cleaned, the locker can be configured for use again. Our system can also be contactless; students or administration can open lockers with just a nudge of their elbow, making it Covid-19 proof.

Don’t just take our word for it

"Already for sev­er­al years and to our great sat­is­fac­tion we have been work­ing with Vecos. Vecos puts the cus­tomer first, active­ly con­tribut­ing to the pre­sent­ed require­ments and pro­vid­ing hon­est advice."
Read more
Roy Bold­ing
Man­ag­er Accom­mo­da­tion, Ams­ter­dam Uni­ver­si­ty of Applied Sciences

Want to know more about the possibilities?

Contact Marc Oosterveer for more information