When you visit our websites, we store cookies to ensure a properly functioning website and to improve our services and websites. We are happy to explain to you which data we store and what we do with them. The information can be categorized into Vecos.com and Releezme.net.

What cookies do we store on the Vecos.com website?

What cookies do we store on the Releezme.net website?

Functional cookies

To ensure a properly functioning website and optimal performance, we use necessary functional cookies. Otherwise, the website would be unable to function or you would be unable to log in.


Expires when browsing session ends; used for form’s post.


Expires when browsing sessions ends; standard ASP.NET MVC session id cookie. Only contains the session id for the current session, information stored at server side.  


Expires when browsing session ends; used for login only.


Expires after 5 minutes; used for two-factor authentication login. Automatically deleted upon successful login.


Expires after 15 minutes; used for login only in connection with two-factor authentication. Automatically deleted upon successful login.

Analytical cookies

We use Microsoft Azure Application Insights to improve the quality of the website. Data which are stored for that purpose are anonymized and IP addressed are also masked. Data is not shared with other Microsoft Azure services. We have entered into a Data Processing Agreement with Microsoft. Below, you find information about the different cookies that we use:


Expires after 30 minutes; used for Microsoft Azure Application Insights.


Expires after 1 year, used for Microsoft Azure Application Insights.

Safety measures

We protect stored data and ensure that these data are not directly traceable to individuals. By taking technical and administrative measures, we reduce risks as much as possible, for instance by means of access control on the systems, a secure internet connection (SSL) with the website and a firewall.

How can you exercise your rights, such as to view, correct or remove data?

Send a message to informationsecurity@vecos.com and state ‘Privacy’ in the subject line. We will then process your message as required by the GDPR. We would like to point out to you that if your request is not processed to your satisfaction, you can file a complaint with the Dutch Data Protection Authority.

How can you disable or remove cookies?

You can choose whether to allow cookies or you can set your internet browser to block cookies. Most browsers explain how to do that via the help feature. If you block cookies, this may affect the website’s performance and your user experience on our website.

Google Chrome
Block cookies in Google Chrome

Microsoft Internet Explorer
Block cookies in Internet Explorer

Microsoft Edge
Block cookies in Microsoft Edge

Block cookies in Firefox

Apple Safari
Block cookies in Apple Safari


Processing outside the EU

It is possible that personal data are sent cross-border to third parties as mentioned above for the purposes as described above. This means that personal data may be processed in countries with a lower level of security and protection of personal data than in the EU. In such an event, we will take appropriate measures, to ensure that the data are processed at an ‘adequate level of protection’.


Vecos Europe B.V.
Esp 237
5633 AD Eindhoven,
the Netherlands


The information in this statement may be subject to change. These changes will be published on vecos.com.
Eindhoven, the Netherlands, 28 August 2018.