Smart locker system that’s easy, seamless and scalable

Our smart locker system means storage is now self-service and hassle-free. Any type of locker – of any size, material or design – can be turned into a flexible networked solution.

A hassle-free user experience

Forget lost keys and inefficiency. Our self-service locker system is designed for an effortless user-experience.

Using the lockers – from opening to switching, sharing and releasing – is made easy. Your people can use their company access card, our App, PIN codes or even facial recognition.

Save on facilities management time

Thanks to remote and centralized locker management – our smart lockers save up to 90% of facilities time.

The system is configurable for any situation, so you can customize and configure locker usage to fit your and your employees’ needs. Push notifications can be set-up to support you and your people through change.

Assigning, releasing or opening lockers can be done remotely – so a whole campus of buildings can be controlled simply from one place.

Don’t underestimate the power of smart lockers

Our smart lockers helps you save on space, time and costs –
while inspiring your people and making sure you’re ready for anything.

Did you know that 40% of office lockers go unused?

With our smart locker system, locker usage is optimized so all your lockers get used. As a result, you’ll need fewer lockers and save on space.

Your people can help themselves to more than just coffee.

Smart lockers mean your people have access to storage without facility management intervention. So no more lost keys or wasted time – hello to frictionless freedom of movement.

A more flexible and sustainable approach to workplace storage.

By encouraging a more optimal application of resources, you’ll use less space and energy, keeping everyone happy.

Adapt quickly when your workplace needs change.

The locker system is designed to flex to changing needs – user data and insights support real-time business decision-making which you can adapt to instantly.

Ready to optimize your workspace storage?

Book a call with our experts to learn how Vecos smart locker system can streamline your storage and enhance workplace efficiency.

One smart, easy to use system

Guaranteed performance. Always on. Hosted in the cloud. Fully secure.

Cloud-based SaaS, always ‘on’

Our multi-tenant SaaS locker system is designed for and by workplace experts and scalable across locations. Built on Microsoft Azure, it’s always on. Instant and regular technical and feature updates mean it’s always ahead of the game too – so you are prepared for anything, whatever happens.

Seamless integration with your office IT ecosystem

Our smart locker system is the perfect partner to the modern smart building. It’s designed to integrate with any IT or IoT ecosystem. So, say goodbye to the manual syncing of employee data and hello to automatic up-to-date rich insights and data.

We have over 50 API integrations live with leading tech-platforms and third-party technologies: workplace systems, access control and identity management systems.

More about our partners and integrations

Security is a top priority

Security is crucial when it comes to smart lockers. Working with some of the largest banks in the world, our system has passed the toughest of data security audits.

Our networked lockers are secure by design and Vecos is ISO27001 certified, which means your data is in safe hands.

Vecos Smart Locker mobile app

Stay ahead with real-time user insights

Real-time data helps you understand locker usage and employee behavior, so you can continually adapt and optimize your resources.

Transparent and user-friendly, it means no more laborious records of user data. Just empowering insights and true, instant flexibility.

Insights into where the action is

Locker occupancy rates down to individual locker level

One smart system, multiple solutions

With just the one smart system, you can help your people feel at home on every floor, empower collaboration, improve internal logistics and make visitors feel welcome.

See all our solutions

Download the Vecos brochure

The Vecos SaaS-based smart locker software makes locker management easy and automated and ensures a seamless and rich experience for your employees. Download our brochure to know more.

Download our brochure